An array of achievable solutions.
Saving the ocean is a big task, which is going to take all of us, but remember there are so many things one can do to help. First and foremost: Join an organisation - our actions are stronger together. Secondly: Educate yourself and others - spread the word that the oceans are in a dire state and we need to do something about it!
See our list of organisations here to add your voice to the call for ocean conservation and planetary preservation.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead
*For a more detailed look into climate change solutions check out this Exponential Climate Action Roadmap, put together at the Global Climate Action Summit. You can also see Project Drawdown’s list of the 100 most substantive, existing solutions to address climate change.
** Carbon offsetting options: Enviro-mark website, Ekos website Options to directly fund carbon capture such as permanent forests and landfill gases recovery; or to invest in carbon emissions reductions technology such as renewable energy (wind, solar), biomass energy, and clean gas cookers
*** We recognise that the Marine Stewardship Council’s certification is not flawless, but we do consider it the best.